Nuclear Stress Test
What is a nuclear stress test?
A nuclear stress test provides pictures of blood flow throughout the heart and helps your doctor determine if there are any possible blockages in the arteries of your heart. A nuclear stress test involves taking two sets of images of your heart: one set while you are under stress (either from running on a treadmill or from utilizing medicine to simulate exercise), and another set while you are at rest. A radioactive dye will be injected into your bloodstream through an I.V. and it will light up on the images to reveal any blockage in the heart.
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Cardiac - PET/CT
What is a Cardiac PET/CT stress test?
This very effective imaging tool is used to diagnose cardiac disease with higher image resolution and shorter scan time than traditional nuclear stress testing. PET/CT imaging provides diagnostic accuracy, excellent quality, and the ability to detect disease before symptoms are usually present. This non-invasive test is the gold standard in cardiac perfusion imaging.
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